თარგი:ინფოდაფა ცათამბჯენი
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კატეგორია ჩასვით /ინფო ქვეგვერდზე, და არა აქ!
ყველა პარამეტრი არააუცილებელია:
- შენობის_სახელი — the name of the building(s)
- სურათი — an image of the building; this must be in wiki syntax (e.g. [[Image:SomeFile.jpg|200px]])
- წარწერა — an optional text regarding the building (perhaps an interesting fact about the building could be put here)
Include the following two only for buildings that have been the world's tallest at some point:
- აგების_წელი — the first year in which the given building was the world's tallest, according to structural height; this is required for all buildings that have ever been the world's tallest
- დასრულდა — the last year in which the given building was the world's tallest, according to structural height; leave blank if the building is currently the world's tallest
- მრავლობითი — add yes or something here if and only if the article represents multiple buildings (like the Petronas Towers); otherwise, don't add anything for this parameter
- მისამართი — the address (and at least the city) in which the building is located
- მთავარი საერთაშორისო ქალაქები: Tokyo is okay, but Tokyo, Japan is preferred unless it comprimises stylistic appearance
- მთავარი ქალაქები კარგად ცნობილი პროვინციების: Toronto, Ontario, Canada is unnecessarily specific; Toronto, Ontario or Toronto, Canada preferred (although Toronto is okay)
- არც ისე კარგად ცნობილი ქალაქები: Beslan is not good due to the city's relative anonymity; Beslan, Russia is preferred, Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania discouraged, Beslan, Russia, North Ossetia-Alania unnecessarily specific
- ქალაქები მრავალმნიშვნელოვანი სახელებით: Portland is not good; Portland, USA is not good either; Portland, Oregon (well-known state) or Portland, Oregon, USA preferred
- კოორდ — use {{coord}} with "display=inline,title"
- სტატუსი — this should often be left blank, as the template will attempt to either fill in Completed, Under Construction, Destroyed, or Never Built. To override the status added by the template, please assign something to this parameter
- საძირკველი — the date (or at least year) in which groundbreaking for the building occurred
- აშენდა — the years in which the building was constructed (e.g. 1996-1999)
- დასრულება — the estimated completion date (be as specific as possible)
- გახსნა — the estimated opening date (be as specific as possible); you may want to leave this blank if it coincides with the estimated completion date
- დაინგრა — the date (or at least year) in which the building was destroyed (be as specific as possible)
- დანიშნულება — the intended use for the building (e.g. residential apartments, office)
- ქიმი — the height from the main entrance to the top of the spire or antenna
- სახურავი — the height from the main entrance to the roof
- ბოლო_სართული — the height from the main entrance to the top floor
- სართული — the number of floors in the building (indicate the number above and the number below, if applicable and known)
- ლიფტი — the number of elevators in the building
- ღირებულება — the cost of construction
- ფართი — the total floor area
- არქიტექტორი — the architect for the building
- ინჟინერი — the (structural) engineer for the building
- კონტრაქტორი — the contractor for the building
- დეველოპერი — the developer for the building
- მფლობელი — the owner for the building
ზომის ერთეულები
Note that the localized unit standard should be given precedence. For example, skyscrapers in the United States should have their heights and floor areas in feet and square feet, respectively, with the metric equivalents noted in parentheses. On the other hand, Canadian skyscrapers should have their heights and floor areas in meters and square meters, respectively, with the imperial equivalents noted in parentheses.
en:Template:Infobox Skyscraper zh:Template:Infobox Skyscraper