CD-i-ს თამაშების სია

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ეს არის ვიდეო თამაშების კონსოლის, Philips CD-i-ს თამაშების სია, დალაგებული ანბანის მიხედვით. ის აგრეთვე შეიცავს გაუქმებულ თამაშებსაც, საერთო ჯამში 179 ერთეული.

Philips CD-i

Philips CD-iვ გამოვიდა 1991 წელს და დეველოპერების მიზანი იყო შეექმნათ ისეთი სისტემა, რომელიც უფრო ფუნქციონალური იქნებოდა ვიდრე CD დამკვრელი და სათამაშო კონსოლი და ფასით პერსონალურ კომპიუტერზე ნაკლები იქნებოდა. გარდა თამაშებისა, კონსოლზე გამოდიოდა საგანმანათლებლო და მულტიმედიური კონტენტები, როგორებიც არის ინტერაქტიული ენციკლოპედიები და მუზეუმების ტურები. CD-i არის ერთ-ერთ ადრეულ სისტემა, რომელმაც კონსოლში დანერგა ინტერნეტ მახასიათებლები, მათ შორის ვებ გვერდების დათვალიერება, გადმოტვირთვა, ელექტრონული ფოსტა და ონლაინ თამაშები, რომელთა განხორციელება შესაძლებელი იყო 1996 წელს გამოსული Philips-ის დამატებითი მოდემის საშუალებით. კონსოლი წარუმატებელი აღმოჩნდა როგორც კრიტიკოსებისგან, ასევე კომერციულადაც.


სათაური დეველოპერი გამომცემელი თარიღი
1995: All the News and Views[1] Lost Boys Philips Interactive Media 1993
3rd Degree[2] PF Magic Philips Interactive Media 1993
A Visit to Sesame Street: Letters[3] Children's Television Workshop Philips Interactive Media 1991
A Visit to Sesame Street: Numbers Children's Television Workshop Philips Interactive Media 1991
Accelerator SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1997
Alfapet Adatek Philips Interactive Media 1993
Alice in Wonderland[4] Spinnaker Software Philips Interactive Media 1992
Alien Gate SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1993
Arcade Classics Namco Philips Interactive Media 1996
Asterix: Caesar's Challenge Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1995
Atlantis - The Last Resort Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1997
Axis & Allies Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1994
Backgammon[5] Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1992
Battleship Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1991
Beauty and the Beast[6] Lightyear Entertainment Philips Interactive Media 1991
Big Bang Show Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1992
Brain Dead 13 ICDI Philips Interactive Media 1997
Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby[7] Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1992
Burn Cycle Trip Media Philips Interactive Media 1994
Caesar's World of Boxing[8] CD-i Systems Philips Interactive Media 1991
Caesar's World of Gambling CD-i Systems Philips Interactive Media 1991
Cartoon Carnival[9] Funhouse Philips Interactive Media 1993
Cartoon Jukebox AIM Kidscape Group Philips Interactive Media 1991
CD Shoot[10] Eaglevision Philips Interactive Media 1992
Chaos Control Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1995
A Child Is Born[11] Electronic Sound and Pictures Limited Philips Interactive Media 1993
Christmas Country DIMA Philips Interactive Media 1996
Christmas Crisis Creative Multimedia Corporation Philips Interactive Media 1995
Classical Jukebox American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
Cluedo 3T Productions Ltd Philips Interactive Media 1994
Cluedo: The Mysteries Continue 3T Productions Ltd Philips Interactive Media 1995
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Compton's NewMedia Philips Interactive Media 1992
Connaone RasterSoft Maelstrom Publishing გაუქმებული
Connect Four[12] Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1991
Cool Oldies Jukebox American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
Creature Shock Argonaut Games Data East 1991
Crime Patrol Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1996
Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1996
Cyber Soldier Sharaku Japan Interactive Media Japan Interactive Media 1993
Dark Castle PIMA Philips Interactive Media 1991
The Dark Fables of Aesop Philips Sidewalk Studio Philips Interactive Media 1992
Defender of the Crown Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
De Zaak Van Sam NOB Interactive Haarlems Uitgeef Bedrijf 1997
Dimo's Quest SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1994
Dragon's Lair Superclub/ICDI Philips Interactive Media 1994
Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp Superclub/INTL Philips Interactive Media 1994
Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century Philips ArtSpace Philips Interactive Media 1992
Earth Command Visionary Media Philips Interactive Media 1994[13]
Effacer Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1994
Escape from Cyber City[14]
(Freedom Fighter)
Fathom Pictures Philips Interactive Media 1992
Family Games DIMA Philips Interactive Media 1995
Family Games II Junk Food Jive DIMA Philips Interactive Media 1995
Flashback: The Quest for Identity Tiertex Ltd Philips Interactive Media 1995
Flintstones & Jetsons: Timewarp R/GA Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1994
Foqus Bildgarden Philips Interactive Media 1994
Frog Feast RasterSoft OlderGames 2007
Go Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1992
Go - Special Edition Capitol Disc Interactive OlderGames 2002
Goal! IContact Philips Interactive Media 1993
Golden Oldies 1: Guardian and Invaders The Vision Factory SPC Vision 1997
Golden Oldies 2: Blockbuster და Bughunt The Vision Factory SPC Vision 1997
Golden Oldies Jukebox American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
Golf Tips Xdra Philips Interactive Media 1994
Golgo 13 Japan Interactive Media Japan Interactive Media 1992
Great American Golf 2 Xdra IContact 1994
Great British Golf[15] Philips Interactive Media 1992
A Great Day at the Races[16] CD-I Racing, Dove Films, Total Vision Philips Interactive Media 1993
Haunted House Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1997
Hotel Mario Philips Fantasy Factory Philips Interactive Media 1994
Inca[17] Coktel Vision Philips Interactive Media 1993
Inca II[18] Vision Games Philips Interactive Media 1994
International Tennis Open Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1993
Invasion From The Planet Skyron Daedalus Philips Interactive Media 1995
Jack Sprite Vs The Crimson Ghost PF Magic OlderGames 2002
Jeopardy! Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1994
Joe Guard DIMA RetroGameLab 2015
Karaoke Klassics Family Favourites[19] Xdra Philips Interactive Media 1993
Kether[20] Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1993
Kingdom II: Shadoan Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1996
Kingdom: The Far Reaches Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1994
Labyrinth Of Crete Funhouse Philips Interactive Media 1994
L'affaire Morlov CPIO Multimedia Philips Interactive Media 1996
L'Ange et le Demon Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1992
Laser Lords[21] Spinnaker Software Philips Interactive Media 1992
Lemmings[22] DMA Philips Interactive Media 1994
Les Schtroumpfs: Le Téléportaschtroumpf Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1995
Learn With Sooty - Start to Read Thames International Philips Interactive Media
Lettergreep Wigant Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1996
Lingo SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1994
Link: The Faces of Evil[23] Animation Magic Philips Interactive Media 1993
Litil Divil Gremlin Ireland Philips Interactive Media 1994
Little Monster at School[24] Brøderbund Philips Interactive Media 1993
Lords of the Rising Sun[25] Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1992
Lost Eden Virgin Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1995
Lucky Luke: The Video Game The Vision Factory Philips Interactive Media 1996
Mad Dog McCree Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1994
Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1995
Marco Polo Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1994
Master Labyrinth AVM Philips Interactive Media 1994
Max Magic PF Magic Philips Interactive Media 1994
Mega-Maze PolyMedia Communications Philips Interactive Media 1993
Merlin's Apprentice FunHouse Philips Interactive Media 1995
Microcosm[26] Psygnosis გაუქმებული გაუქმებული
Micro Machines Codemasters Philips Interactive Media 1995
Mind Quest[27] Philips Interactive Media 1993
Mutant Rampage: Bodyslam Animation Magic Philips Interactive Media 1994
Myst Ledge Multimedia Philips Interactive Media 1996
Mystic Midway: Phantom Express Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1993
Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces[28] Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1992
Name That Tune Philips Fantasy Factory Philips Interactive Media 1993
NFL Football Trivia Challenge ('94 - '95 Edition) Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1993
NFL Hall of Fame Football Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1994[29]
NFL Instant Replay Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1995[30]
O Sole Mio Pavarotti American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
Othello Codim Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1993
P.A.W.S. Domestic Funk Productions Philips Interactive Media 1998
Pac-Panic Namco Philips Interactive Media 1995
Paint School I Spinnaker Software Philips Interactive Media 1991
Paint School II Spinnaker Software Philips Interactive Media 1997
Pecos Bill Rabbit Ears Productions Philips Interactive Media 1991
Pinball[31] Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1991
Plunderball ISG Productions OlderGames 2002
Power Hitter[32] Fathom Pictures Philips Interactive Media 1992
Private Lesson Series: Classical Guitar Sonic Images Productions Philips Interactive Media 1992
Private Lesson Series: Jazz Guitar Sonic Images Productions Philips Interactive Media 1992
Pyramid Adventures Compact Disk Incorporated Philips Interactive Media 1993
The Renaissance of Florence Philips ArtSpace Philips Interactive Media 1991
Rise of the Robots MIRAGE Technologies Philips Interactive Media 1995
Rollerball Topilot Philips Interactive Media 1998
Sargon Chess[33] Spinmaker Software American Interactive Media 1991
Scotland Yard Interactive Audio Visuellen Philips Interactive Media 1993
Secret Mission Microïds Philips Interactive Media 1996
Shaolin's Road Infogrames Philips Interactive Media 1995
Shark Alert CapDisc Philips Interactive Media 1993
Solar Crusade Infogrames Infogrames 1999
Space Ace Super Club/ICDI Philips Interactive Media 1993
Space Ranger Studio Interactive OlderGames 2002
Sport Freaks SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1996
Steel Machine SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1993
Striker Pro[34] Rage Software American Interactive Media 1994
Super Fighter Super Fighter Team გაუქმებული გაუქმებული
Super Mario's Wacky Worlds NovaLogic გაუქმებული გაუქმებული
Surf City Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1994
Tangram Eagle Vision Philips Interactive Media 1992
Tell Me Why I Interactive Production Associates Philips Interactive Media 1991
Tell Me Why II Interactive Production Associates Philips Interactive Media 1991
Tetris[35] Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1992
Tetsuo Gaiden Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1997
Text Tiles Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1992
The 7th Guest[36] Trilobyte Philips Interactive Media 1993
The Apprentice The Vision Factory Philips Interactive Media 1994
The Berenstain Bears On Their Own, And You On Your Own[37] Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1993
The Joker's Wild Accent Media Productions Philips Interactive Media 1993
The Joker's Wild Jr. Accent Media Productions Philips Interactive Media 1994
The Joy of Sex[38] Philips Interactive Media 1993
The Last Bounty Hunter American Laser Games Philips Interactive Media 1996
The Lost Ride Formula Philips Interactive Media 1998
The Ultimate Noah's Ark Philips Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1994
The Palm Springs Open[39] Fathom Pictures Philips Interactive Media 1991
The Wacky World of Miniature Golf[40] Philips Sidewalk Studio Philips Interactive Media 1993
Thunder in Paradise Schwartz Bonnan Productions Philips Interactive Media 1995
Time-Life Photography American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1991
Treasures of the Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution Philips Interactive Media 1991
Urban Murderfiles - Episode 1: New York City[41] Omnibell Philips Interactive Media 1995
Urban Murderfiles - Episode 2: New Jersey[41] Omnibell გაუქმებული გაუქმებული
Ultra CDi Soccer Krisalis Productions Philips Interactive Media 1992
Uncover: Featuring Tatjana SPC Vision Philips Interactive Media 1996
Vegas Girls Status Philips Interactive Media 1995
Video Speedway ISG Productions Philips Interactive Media 1992
Voyeur Philips POV Philips Interactive Media 1993
Voyeur II Philips POV RetroGameLab 2015
Whack A Bubble Creative Multi New Frontier 1997
Who Shot Johnny Rock? Capitol Disc Interactive Philips Interactive Media 1995
Wordplay Backs Philips Interactive Media 1994
World Cup Golf US Gold Philips Interactive Media 1996
Xplora1: Peter Gabriel's Secret World Real World Media Philips Interactive Media 1995
Zelda's Adventure Viridis Corporation Philips Interactive Media 1994
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon[42] Animation Magic Philips Interactive Media 1993
Zenith Radarsoft Philips Interactive Media 1997
Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid[43] American Interactive Media Philips Interactive Media 1992


  1. "1995: All the News and Views." GameFaqs. CNET, n.d. Web. 27 ოქტ. 2016. <>.
  2. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Coming Soon... - Third Degree". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  3. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Kids Stuff - Kid's Titles: Sesame Street Numbers Sesame Street Letters". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.8. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  4. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Coming Soon... - Alice in Wonderland". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  5. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Games - Backgammon". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  6. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Kids Stuff - Storybook Adventure Series: Beauty and the Beast". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.8. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  7. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Kids Stuff - Storybook Adventure Series: Brer Rabbit and the Wonderful Tar Baby". „CDi Magazine“. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.8. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  8. Clough, Andy ed. "Preview - Caesar's World of Boxing". „CDi Magazine“. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.19. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  9. Clough, Andy ed. "Kids' Stuff - Hanna Barbera's Cartoon Carnival". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.42. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  10. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Coming Soon... - CD Shoot". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  11. "A Child is Born" GameFaqs. CNET, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. <>.
  12. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Connect 4". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  13. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  14. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Arcade Adventure: Escape from Cyber City". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  15. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Sport - Great British Golf". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  16. Clough, Andy ed. "Reviews - A Great Day at the Races". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.27. October 1993.
  17. Clough, Andy ed. "Reviews - Inca". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.26. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  18. Clough, Andy ed. "News - Inca 2". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.7. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  19. Clough, Andy ed. "Preview - Karaoke Klassics". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.53. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  20. Clough, Andy ed. "Reviews - The Mystery of Kether". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.20. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  21. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Coming Soon... - Laser Lords". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  22. Clough, Andy ed. "News - The Lemmings are Coming". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.9. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  23. Toor, Mat. "Games - Link The Faces of Evil". CDi Magazine (Andy Clough, ed.). Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.24. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  24. Clough, Andy ed. "Kids' Stuff - Little Monster at School". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.43. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  25. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Coming Soon... - Lords of the Rising Sun". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. October 1992.
  26. Clough, Andy ed. "Preview - Microcosm". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.18. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  27. Clough, Andy ed. "Reviews - Mind Quest". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.26. October 1993.
  28. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Arcade Adventure: Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  29. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  30. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  31. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Arcade Adventure: Pinball". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  32. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Sport - ABC Sports - Power Hitter". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  33. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Games - Sargon Chess". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.13. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  34. Clough, Andy ed. "News - Striker Pro". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.9. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  35. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Tetris". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. ოქტომბერი, 1992.
  36. Diamond, Dominik. "Celebrity Review - The Diamond Report". CDi Magazine (Andy Clough, ed.). Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pp.10-13. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  37. Clough, Andy ed. "Kids' Stuff - Berenstain Bears On Their Own". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.42. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  38. Southwell, Ben. "Adult - The Joy of Sex". CDi Magazine (Andy Clough, ed.). Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.39. October 1993.
  39. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Games Plus - Games Titles: Sport - The Palm Springs Open". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.12. October 1992.
  40. Clough, Andy ed. "Kids' Stuff - Wacky World of Miniature Golf". CDi Magazine. Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.43. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  41. 41.0 41.1 Urban Murderfiles Episode 2. დაარქივებულია ორიგინალიდან — 2014-03-04. ციტირების თარიღი: 2014-03-04.
  42. Stout, Andy. "Games - Zelda The Wand of Gamelon". CDi Magazine (Andy Clough, ed.). Haymarket Publishing, UK. Issue 2. Pg.25. ოქტომბერი, 1993.
  43. Turner, Simon, et al. (eds.) "Highlights: Kids Stuff - Coming Soon: Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid". CDi Magazine. Bell Perks Design. Issue 1. Pg.9. ოქტომბერი, 1992.

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted