Deutsch: „Der Kreis führt das ihm gemäß vom Regierungspräsidenten Münster mit Urkunde vom 15. Oktober 1979 verliehene Wappen. Von Gold (Gelb) zu Rot gespalten; vorn im oberen Drittel ein roter Balken, darunter eine rote Glocke, hinten ein stehender, golden (gelb) gekleideter segnender Bischof, zu seinen Füßen eine goldene (gelbe) Gans.“
Die Farben und der rote Balken sind dem Wappen des Stiftes Münster entnommen, zu dem das Kreisgebiet gehörte. Aus dem alten Wappen des Kreises Coesfeld stammt der Bischof mit der Gans: Der heilige Liudger, erster Bischof von Münster, gilt als Gründer von St. Lamberti in Coesfeld. Hier hat er am Tage vor seinem Tode noch eine Messe gelesen, bevor er nach Billerbeck weiterzog.
English: „Party per pale shield Or and gules, ahead a fess gules and below a bell gules, rear a raising and blessing saint Or, at his feet a gooose Or.“
The arms were granted on October 15, 1979. The arms combine elements from the old arms, with the bell taken from the arms of the former Lüdinghausen district arms. The left part of the arms show St. Liudger, the main missionary under the German and Frisian tribes in the 8th century, and founder of the diocese of Münster. The is buried in Billerbeck in the district.
This file depicts the coat of arms of a German Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). According to § 5 Abs. 1 of the German Copyright law, official works like coats of arms are in the public domain.Note: The usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.
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ეს ფაილი შეიცავს დამატებით ინფორმაციას, რომელიც სავარაუდოდ ამ სურათის შექმნისას გამოყენებულმა ციფრულმა კამერამ ან სკანერმა დაამატა. თუ ფაილის ორიგინალს სახე ეცვალა, ზოგიერთი დეტალი შესაძლოა მოდიფიცირებულ სურათს არ ეხამებოდეს.