შინაარსზე გადასვლა


მასალა ვიკიპედიიდან — თავისუფალი ენციკლოპედია


| Adams State College | Adams State |

= Adams State

| United States Air Force Academy | Air Force | USAFA | USAF | U.S. Air Force |

= Air Force |

| University of Alabama | Alabama |

= ალაბამა |

| University of Alabama at Birmingham | Alabama-Birmingham | UAB |

= Alabama–Birmingham

| Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University | Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical | Alabama A&M |

= Alabama A&M

| Albany University | Albany |

= Albany |

| Albion College | Albion |

= Albion |

| Alfred University | Alfred |

= Alfred |

| University of Arkansas at Little Rock | University of Arkansas-Little Rock | Arkansas-Little Rock | Little Rock | UALR |

=Arkansas-Little Rock |

| University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff | University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff | Arkansas-Pine Bluff | Pine Bluff | UAPB |

=Arkansas-Pine Bluff |

| University of Arkansas | Arkansas |

=არკანზასი |

| University of Akron | Akron |

= Akron |

| Appalachian State University | Appalachian State | App State |

= Appalachian State |

| Angelo State | Angelo State University |

= Angelo State |

| University of Arizona | Arizona |

= არიზონა |

| Arizona State University | Arizona State |

= Arizona State |

| United States Military Academy | Army | USMA | West Point | U.S. Army |

= Army |

| Ateneo de Manila University | ADMU | Ateneo |

= Ateneo |

| Auburn University | Auburn |

= Auburn |

| Augsburg College | Augsburg |

= Augsburg |

| Austin Peay State University | Austin Peay |

= Austin Peay |


| Ball State University | Ball State | Ball |

= Ball State |

| Baylor University | Baylor |

= Baylor

| University of Belgrade | Belgrade |

= ბელგრადი |

| Benedict College | Benedict |

= Benedict |

| Bethany College (Kansas) | Bethany KS |

= Bethany KS |

| Bethel (TN) | Bethel University (Tennessee) |

= Bethel (TN) |

| Blinn College | Blinn |

= Blinn College

| Bluefield State College | Bluefield State | Bluefield | BSC

= Bluefield

| Boise State University | Boise State | Boise |

= Boise State |

| Boston College |

= ბოსტონის კოლეჯი |

| Boston University | Boston |

= ბოსტონის უნივერსიტეტი |

| Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green State | Bowling Green | BGSU |

= Bowling Green |

| Bradley University | Bradley |

= Bradley |

| Brigham Young University | Brigham Young | BYU |

= Brigham Young |

| Brigham Young University-Hawaii | Brigham Young Hawaii | BYU-H | BYUH | BYH |

= Brigham Young-Hawaii |

| Brown University | Brown |

= ბრაუნი |

| University at Buffalo | Buffalo |

= Buffalo |

| Butler University | Butler |

= Butler |


| California State University, Bakersfield | Bakersfield State | Bakersfield | Cal State-Bakersfield | Cal State Bakersfield |

= Cal State Bakersfield |

| California State University, Fullerton | Fullerton State | Fullerton | Cal State-Fullerton | Cal State Fullerton |

= Cal State Fullerton |

| California State University, East Bay | Hayward State | Hayward | Cal State-Hayward | Cal State Hayward |

= Cal State Hayward |

| California State University, Northridge | Northridge State | Northridge | Cal State-Northridge | Cal State Northridge |

= Cal State Northridge |

| California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | Cal Poly State-SLO | Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo | Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo State | San Luis Obispo | CP-SLO | Cal Poly SLO | Cal Poly-SLO |

= Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |

| California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | California State Polytechnic| Cal Poly State | Cal State Poly | Cal Poly-Pomona | Cal Poly State-Pomona | Cal Poly | Pomona | CP-P | Cal Poly Pomona |

= Cal Poly Pomona |

| Campbellsville University Kentucky | Campbellsville (KY) | Campbellsville KY | Campbellsville University | Campbellsville |

= Campbellsville |

| Carson-Newman College | Carson-Newman |

= Carson-Newman |

| Central Arizona College | Central Arizona |

= ცენტრალური არიზონა |

| University of Central Florida | Central Florida | UCF |

= ცენტრალური ფლორიდა |

| Central Michigan University | Central Michigan | CMU |

= ცენტრალური მიჩიგანი |

| Chadron State College | Chadron State | Chadron |

= Chadron State |

| University of North Carolina at Charlotte | UNC-Charlotte | UNCC | Charlotte |

= Charlotte |

| University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | UT-Chattanooga | UTC | Chattanooga |

= Chattanooga |

| University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati |

= ცინცინატი |

| Cebu Institute of Technology | CIT |

= CIT |

| Clemson University | Clemson |

= Clemson |

| Cleveland State University | Cleveland State | CSU |

= Cleveland State

| Coastal Christian Academy | Coastal Christian |

= Coastal Christian Academy |

| Coe College | Coe |

= Coe College |

| Colgate University | Colgate |

= კოლგეიტი |

| College of Charleston | C of C |

= ჩარლსტონის კოლეჯი |

| College of Idaho | C of I |

= College of Idaho |

| University of Colorado at Boulder | University of Colorado | UC-Boulder | Boulder | Colorado |

= Colorado |

| Colorado State University | Colorado State |

= Colorado State |

| University of Connecticut | UConn | Connecticut |

= კონექტიკუტი |

| Creighton University | Creighton |

= Creighton |


| Davidson College | Davidson |

= დევიდსონი

| University of Dayton | Dayton |

= დეიტონი |

| De La Salle University | DLSU | De La Salle |

= De La Salle |

| University of Delaware | Delaware |

= დელავერი |

| Delta State University | Delta State |

= Delta State |

| DePaul University | DePaul |

= DePaul |

| DePauw University | DePauw |

= DePauw |

| University of Detroit Mercy | Detroit Mercy | Detroit | University of Detroit |

= Detroit |

| Drexel University | Drexel |

= დრექსელი

| Duke University | Duke |

= დუკი |

| Duquesne University | Duquesne |

= Duquesne |


| University of the East | UE | East |

= UE

| East Carolina University | ECU | East Carolina |

= აღმოსავლეთი კაროლინა |

| Eastern Kentucky University | EKU | Eastern Kentucky |

= აღმოსავლეთი კენტუკი |

| Eastern Michigan University | EMU | Eastern Michigan |

= აღმოსავლეთი მიჩიგანი |

| Eastern New Mexico University | ENMU | Eastern New Mexico | East New Mexico |

= აღმოსავლეთი ნიუ-მექსიკო

| Eastern Washington University | EWU | Eastern Washington |

= აღმოსავლეთი ვაშინგტონი |

| Elon University | Elon College | Elon |

= ელონი |

| Emerson College | Emerson |

= ემერსონი |

| University of Evansville | Evansville |

= ევანსვილი |


| Far Eastern Univerity | FEU | Far Eastern |

= FEU |

| Fayetteville State University | Fayetteville State |

= Fayetteville State |

| University of Florida | Florida |

= ფლორიდა |

| Florida A&M University | Florida A&M | Florida A & M | FAMU |

= Florida A&M |

| Florida Atlantic University | Florida Atlantic | FAU |

= Florida Atlantic |

| Florida International University | Florida International | FIU |

= ფლორიდის საერთაშორისო |

| Florida State University | Florida State | FSU |

= Florida State |

| Fordham University | Fordham |

= Fordham |

| California State University, Fresno | Fresno State | Fresno | Cal State-Fresno |

= Fresno State |

| Fresno Pacific University | Fresno Pacific |

= Fresno Pacific |


| Gardner-Webb University | Gardner-Webb |

= გარდნერ-უები |

| George Mason University | George Mason | GMU |

= ჯორჯ მეისონი |

| George Washington University | George Washington | GWU |

= ჯორჯ ვაშინგტონი |

| Georgetown | Georgetown University |

= ჯორჯტაუნი |

| University of Georgia | Georgia |

= ჯორჯია |

| Georgia College & State University | Georgia College and State University | Georgia College |

= ჯორჯიის კოლეჯი |

| Georgia Institute of Technology | Georgia Tech |

= Georgia Tech |

| Georgia Southern University | Georgia Southern |

= ჯორჯიის სამხრეთი |

| Gettysburg College | Gettysburg |

= Gettysburg |

| Glynn Academy | Glynn |

= Glynn Academy |

| Gonzaga University | Gonzaga |

= გონზაგა |

| Grand Canyon University | Grand Canyon |

= გრანდ-კანიონი |

| Grand Valley State University | Grand Valley State | GVSU |

= Grand Valley State |

| Grand View University | Grand View College | Grand View |

= Grand View

| University of Wisconsin–Green Bay | University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | UW–Green Bay | UW-Green Bay | UW Green Bay | UWGB | Green Bay |

= გრინ-ბეი |

| Gulf Shores Academy | Gulf Shores |

= Gulf Shores Academy (TX) |


| Hampden-Sydney College | Hampden-Sydney |

= Hampden-Sydney |

| Hampton University | Hampton |

= ჰემპტონი |

| Hanover College | Hanover |

= ჰანოვერი

| Hard Knocks | Hard Knox |

= Hard Knocks |

| Harvard University | Harvard |

= ჰარვარდი |

| University of Hawaii at Manoa | University of Hawaii | Hawaii | Hawai'i |

= [[University of Hawaii at Manoa|Hawaiთარგი:Okinai]] |

| Hofstra University|Hofstra |

= ჰოფსტრა |

| University of Houston | Houston |

= ჰიუსტონი |

| Houston Baptist University | Houston Baptist | HBU |

= ჰიუსტონის ბაპტისტური |


| University of Idaho | Idaho |

= აიდაჰო |

| Idaho State University | Idaho State |

= Idaho State |

| University of Illinois at Chicago | Illinois-Chicago | UIC |

= UIC |

| University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Illinois | Illinois U-C | Urbana-Champaign | UIUC |

= Illinois |

| Illinois State University | Illinois State |

= Illinois State |

| Illinois Wesleyan University | Illinois Wesleyan |

= Illinois Wesleyan |

| Indiana University | Indiana |

= Indiana |

| University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis | Indy | UIndy |

= ინდიანაპოლისი |

| Iona College | Iona |

= Iona |

| University of Iowa | Iowa |

= აიოვა |

| Iowa State University | Iowa State |

= Iowa State |

| Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne | IPFW |

= IPFW |

| Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis | IUPUI |



| Jackson State University | Jackson | Jackson State |

= Jackson State |

| Jacksonville State University | Jacksonville State | Jacksonville | JSU |

= Jacksonville State |

| James Madison University | James Madison | JMU |

= ჯეიმზ მედისონი |

| Johns Hopkins University | Johns Hopkins | JHU |

= ჯონს ჰოპკინზი |


| University of Kansas | Kansas | KU |

= კანზასი |

| Kansas State University | Kansas State | K-State |

= Kansas State |

| Kent State University | Kent State | Kent | KSU |

= Kent State |

| Keene State College | Keene College | Keene State | Keene |

= Keene |

| University of Kentucky | Kentucky |

= კენტუკი |


| Lafayette College | Lafayette |

= Lafayette |

| La Salle University | La Salle | LaSalle |

= La Salle |

| Liberty University | Liberty |

= Liberty |

| Loma Linda University | Loma Linda |

= Loma Linda |

| California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach State | Cal State-Long Beach | CSULB | LBSU |

= Long Beach State

| University of Louisiana at Lafayette | Louisiana-Lafayette | UL-Lafayette | ULL |

= Louisiana-Lafayette |

| University of Louisiana at Monroe | Louisiana-Monroe | UL-Monroe | ULM |

= Louisiana-Monroe |

| Louisiana Tech University | Louisiana Tech | LTU | LA Tech |

= Louisiana Tech

| University of Louisville | Louisville |

= Louisville |

| Loyola University Chicago | Loyola-Chicago | Loyola (IL) |

= Loyola (IL) |

| Loyola University Maryland | Loyola College in Maryland | Loyola-Maryland | Loyola (MD) |

= Loyola (MD) |

| Loyola Marymount University | Loyola Marymount | LMU |

= Loyola Marymount |

| Louisiana State University | Louisiana State | LSU |

= LSU |

| Luther | Luther College |

= Luther |


| University of Maine | Maine | UMaine |

= მეინი |

| Marist College | Marist |

= Marist |

| Marquette University | Marquette |

= Marquette |

| Marshall University | Marshall |

= მარშალი |

| University of Maryland | Maryland | University of Maryland, College Park |

= Maryland |

| University of Massachusetts | Massachusetts | UMass |

= Massachusetts |

| University of Memphis | Memphis |

= მემფისი |

| Mercer University | Mercer |

= Mercer |

| Meridian Community College | Meridian CC | Meridian C.C. | Meridian |

= Meridian CC |

| Merrimack | Merrimack College |

= Merrimack |

| Miami University | Miami (Ohio) | Miami (OH) |

= მაიამი (ოჰაიო) |

| University of Miami | Miami (Florida) | Miami (FL) | Miami (Fla.) |

= მაიამი (ფლორიდა) |

| University of Michigan | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor | Michigan | UMich | UM | U-M |

= მიჩიგანი |

| Michigan State University | Michigan State |

= Michigan State |

| Midwestern State University| Midwestern State |

= Midwestern State |

| Middle Tennessee State University | Middle Tennessee | MTSU |

= Middle Tennessee |

| Milligan College | Milligan |

= მილიგანის კოლეჯი |

| University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | UW–Milwaukee | UW-Milwaukee | UW Milwaukee | UWM | Milwaukee |

= მილუოკი |

| University of Minnesota | Minnesota |

= მინესოტა |

| University of Mississippi | Mississippi | Ole Miss | UMiss |

= მისისიპი |

| Mississippi State University | Mississippi State |

= Mississippi State |

| University of Missouri-Columbia | Missouri-Columbia | Missouri | UMC | Mizzou |

= მისური |

| Missouri State University | Missouri State |

= Missouri State |

| University of Montana | University of Montana-Missoula | Montana |

= მონტანა |

| Montana State University - Bozeman | Montana State |

= Montana State |

| Montclair State University | Montclair State | Montclair |

= Montclair State |

| Morehouse College | Morehouse |

= Morehouse |

| Morehead State University | Morehead State | Morehead |

= Morehead State |

| Morgan State University | Morgan State |

= Morgan State |

| Murray State University | Murray State |

= Murray State |


| United States Naval Academy | Navy | USNA | Annapolis | U.S. Navy |

= საზღვაო აკადემია |

| University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Nebraska | Nebraska-Lincoln |

= ნებრასკა |

| University of Nebraska at Omaha | Nebraska-Omaha |

= Nebraska-Omaha

| University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas | UNLV | Nevada-LV |

= UNLV |

| University of Nevada, Reno | Reno | Nevada-Reno | University of Nevada | Nevada | Reno | UNR |

= ნევადა |

| University of New Mexico | New Mexico | UNM |

= ნიუ-მექსიკო |

| New Mexico State University | New Mexico State | NM State | N.M. State | NMSU |

= New Mexico State |

| University of New Orleans | New Orleans | UNO |

= ახალი ორლეანი |

| No College | No college |

= No college |

| University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | University of North Carolina | Chapel Hill | UNC | North Carolina |

= North Carolina |

| North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | North Carolina A&T | NC A&T |

= North Carolina A&T |

| North Carolina State University | North Carolina State | NC State | N.C. State | NCSU |

= North Carolina State |

| Northern Illinois University | Northern Illinois | NIU |

= ჩრდილოეთი ილინოისი

| University of Northern Iowa | Northern Iowa | UNI |

= ჩრდილოეთი აიოვა

| Northern Michigan University | Northern Michigan | NMU |

= ჩრდილოეთი მიჩიგანი

| University of North Dakota | North Dakota | UND |

= ჩრდილოეთი დაკოტა |

| University of North Texas | North Texas| UNT |

= ჩრდილოეთი ტეხასი |

| Northeast Louisiana University | Northeast Louisiana |

= Northeast Louisiana |

| Northeastern University | Northeastern |

= ჩრდილო-აღმოსავლეთი |

| Northwestern University | Northwestern |

= ჩრდილო-დასავლეთი |

| Northwestern State University | Northwestern State | NSU |

= Northwestern State |

| Northwest Missouri State University | Northwest Missouri State |

= Northwest Missouri State |

| University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame |

= ნოტრ-დამი |


| Oakland University | Oakland |

= Oakland |

| Ohio University | Ohio U | Ohio U. | Ohio |

= Ohio |

| Ohio State University | Ohio State |

= Ohio State |

| University of Oklahoma | Oklahoma |

= Oklahoma |

| Oklahoma State University–Stillwater | Oklahoma State University | Oklahoma State | Stillwater | OK State | Oklahoma State–Stillwater |

= Oklahoma State |

| Old Dominion University | Old Dominion | ODU |

= Old Dominion |

| Oregon | University of Oregon |

= Oregon |

| Oregon State University | Oregon State |

= Oregon State |


| University of the Pacific | Pacific |

= Pacific |

| University of Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Penn |

= Pennsylvania

| Park University | Park |

= Park

| Pennsylvania State University | Penn State |

= Penn State

| Pepperdine University | Pepperdine |

= Pepperdine |

| Philippine Christian University | PCU | Philippine Christian |

= PCU |

| University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh | Pitt |

= Pittsburgh |

| Pittsburg State University | Pittsburg State |

= Pittsburg State |

| Pomona College | Pomona |

= Pomona College |

| University of Portland | Portland |

= Portland |

| Portland State University | Portland State |

= Portland State |

| Princeton University | Princeton |

= Princeton

| Providence College | Providence |

= Providence |

| Purdue University | Purdue |

= Purdue |


| Quincy College | Quincy |

= Quincy College |


| Radford University | Radford |

= Radford |

| Randolph–Macon College | Randolph-Macon | RMC | Randolph Macon |

= Randolph-Macon |

| University of Rhode Island | Rhode Island | URI |

= Rhode Island |

| University of Richmond | Richmond |

= Richmond |

| Rice University | Rice |

= Rice |

| Rider University | Rider |

= Rider |

| Roanoke | Roanoke College |

= Roanoke

| Rutgers University | Rutgers |

= Rutgers |


| Sacred Heart University | Sacred Heart |

= Sacred Heart |

| Saginaw Valley State University | Saginaw Valley State |

= Saginaw Valley State |

| Saint Francis University | St. Francis (PA) |

= St. Francis (PA) |

| St. Edward's University | St. Edward's |

= St. Edward's |

| St. John's University | St. John's |

= St. John's |

| Saint Joseph's University | St. Joseph's University | St. Joseph's | Saint Joseph's |

= Saint Joseph's |

| St. Louis University | St. Louis | Saint Louis University | Saint Louis |

= Saint Louis |

| St. Mary's | Saint Mary's | St. Mary's College | Saint Mary's College

=Saint Mary's

| Sam Houston State University | Sam Houston | Sam Houston State | SHMU |

= Sam Houston State |

| University of San Diego | San Diego |

= San Diego |

| San Diego State University | San Diego State | SDSU |

= San Diego State |

| University of San Francisco | San Francisco |

= San Francisco |

| San José State University | San Jose State University | San José State | San Jose State | SJSU |

= San José State |

| Seton Hall University | Seton Hall |

= Seton Hall |

| Santa Clara University | Santa Clara | University of Santa Clara |

= Santa Clara |

| University of Santo Tomas | UST | Santo Tomas |

= UST |

| Seattle Pacific University | Seattle Pacific |

= Seattle Pacific |

| Shaw University | Shaw |

= Shaw |

| Simon Fraser University | Simon Fraser |

= Simon Fraser |

| Siena College | Siena |

= Siena |

| University of South Alabama | South Alabama |

= South Alabama |

| University of South Carolina | South Carolina |

= South Carolina |

| University of South Florida | South Florida |

= South Florida |

| Southampton College | Stony Brook Southampton |

= Southampton |

| Southeastern Louisiana University | Southeastern Louisiana |

= Southeastern Louisiana |

| Southern University | Southern |

= Southern |

| Southern Utah University | Southern Utah | SUU |

= Southern Utah |

| University of Southern California | Southern California | USC |

= Southern California |

| Southern Illinois University | Southern Illinois | SIU | SIUC |

= Southern Illinois |

| Southern Methodist University | Southern Methodist | SMU |

= Southern Methodist |

| The University of Southern Mississippi | University of Southern Mississippi | USM | Southern Miss | Southern Mississippi |

= Southern Mississippi |

| Southwest Missouri State University | Southwest Missouri State | SMS | SMSU |

= Southwest Missouri State |

| Stanford University | Stanford |

= Stanford |

| State University of New York at Brockport | SUNY at Brockport | SUNY-Brockport | SUNY Brockport | Brockport |

= SUNY-Brockport |

| Syracuse University | Syracuse |

= Syracuse |


| Temple University | Temple |

= Temple |

| University of Tennessee | Tennessee |

= Tennessee |

| University of Tennessee at Martin | Tennessee-Martin | UT Martin | UT-Martin |

= Tennessee-Martin |

| Tennessee Technological University | Tennessee Tech |

= Tennessee Tech |

| University of Texas at Arlington | University of Texas-Arlington| Texas-Arlington | UT Arlington |

= Texas-Arlington |

| University of Texas at Austin | University of Texas-Austin | Texas | Austin |

= Texas |

| University of Texas at El Paso | University of Texas-El Paso | Texas-El Paso | UTEP | UT-EP | El Paso |

= Texas-El Paso |

| University of Texas at San Antonio | University of Texas-San Antonio | Texas-San Antonio | UTSA |

= Texas-San Antonio |

| Texas A&M | Texas A & M | Texas A&M University | TAMU |

= Texas A&M |

| Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi | Texas A&M–Corpus Christi | Texas A&M at Corpus Christi |

= Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

| Texas Christian University | Texas Christian | TCU |

= Texas Christian |

| Texas State University-San Marcos | Texas State-San Marcos | Texas State |

= Texas State |

| Texas Tech University | Texas Tech |

= Texas Tech |

| University of Toledo | Toledo |

= Toledo |

| Towson University | Towson |

= Towson |

| Transylvania University | Transylvania |

= Transylvania |

| Troy University | Troy |

= Troy |

| Troy State University | Troy State |

= Troy State |

| Tulane University | Tulane |

= Tulane |

| University of Tulsa | Tulsa |

= Tulsa |


| University of California, Berkeley | California (Berkeley) | Cal | California | Berkeley | UCB | UC-Berkeley | UC-B |

= California |

| University of California, Davis | California (Davis) |Davis | UCD | UC Davis |UC-Davis |UC-D |

= UC Davis |

| University of California, Irvine | California (Irvine) | Irvine | UCI | UC Irvine | UC-Irvine | UC-I |

= UC Irvine |

| University of California, Los Angeles | California (LA)| UCLA |Los Angeles| UC-Los Angeles |

= UCLA |

| University of California, Santa Barbara | California (SB)| UCSB | Santa Barbara | UC-Santa Barbara | UC Santa Barbara |

= UC Santa Barbara |

| Ursinus College | Ursinus |

= Ursinus |

| University of San Carlos - North Campus (Boys' High) | USC - North (Boys' High) | USC North (Boys' High) | USC-NC (Boys' High) |

= USC - North (Boys' High) |

| University of Southern Philippines Foundation | USPF | USP |

= USPF |

| Utah | University of Utah | U of U |

= Utah |

| Utah Valley University | Utah Valley State College | Utah Valley State | UVU | UVSC |

= Utah Valley |

| Utah State University | Utah State |

= Utah State |


| Valparaiso University | Valparaiso | Valpo |

= Valparaiso

| Vanderbilt University | Vanderbilt | Vandy |

= Vanderbilt |

| University of Vermont | Vermont | UVM |

= Vermont |

| Villanova University | Villanova |

= Villanova |

| University of Virginia | Virginia |

= Virginia |

| Virginia Commonwealth University | Virginia Commonwealth | VCU |

= Virginia Commonwealth |

| Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Virginia Polytechnic Institute | Virginia Poly | Virginia Tech |

=Virginia Tech |

| Virginia Military Institute | Virginia Military |

=Virginia Military |

| Virginia Union University | Virginia Union |

= Virginia Union |


| Wake Forest University | Wake Forest |

= Wake Forest |

| Washington University Saint Louis | Washington University in Saint Louis | Wash U |

= Washington University in Saint Louis

| Washington | University of Washington | UW |

= Washington |

| Washington State University | Washington State | WSU | Wazzu |

= Washington State |

| Wayne State University | Wayne State (MI) |

= Wayne State |

| Weber State University | Weber State |

= Weber State |

| Westmont College | Westmont |

= Westmont |

| West Virginia University | West Virginia | WVU |

= West Virginia |

| Western Carolina University | Western Carolina | WCU |

= Western Carolina |

| Western Illinois University | Western Illinois | WIU |

= Western Illinois |

| Western Kentucky University | Western Kentucky | WKU |

= Western Kentucky |

| West Texas A&M University | West Texas A&M |

= West Texas A&M |

| West Texas State University | West Texas State |

= West Texas State |

| Willamette University | Willamette |

= Willamette |

| Wingate University | Wingate |

= Wingate |

| Winthrop University | Winthrop |

= Winthrop |

| University of Wisconsin-Madison | University of Wisconsin | Wisconsin | Madison |

= Wisconsin |

| University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | UW-Stevens Point | UW-SP | Stevens Point |

= UW-Stevens Point |

| Wright State University | Wright State |

= Wright State

| University of Wyoming | Wyoming |

= Wyoming |


| Xavier | Xavier University | Xavier University (Cincinnati) | Xavier (Ohio) |

= Xavier |


| Youngstown State University | Youngstown State | Youngstown |

= Youngstown State