შინაარსზე გადასვლა


მასალა ვიკიპედიიდან — თავისუფალი ენციკლოპედია
id info
დოკუმენტაცია დოკუმენტაცია

ეს თარგი გამოიყენება მომხმარებელთა გვერდებზე სამომხმარებლო ყუთების სწრაფი შექმნისათვის HTML ან ვიკიცხრილის სინტაქსის ცოდნის გარეშე.


| bodyclass = <!-- Adds an HTML class attribute to the entire template's HTML table, to allow for styling, emission of microformats, etc. -->
| float    = <!--left|right|none (default = left)-->
| border-c = <!--border color (default = id-c)-->
| border-s = <!--border width in pixels (default = 1)-->
| id       = <!--id text or image-->
| id-c     = <!--id background color-->
| id-fc    = <!--id font color-->
| id-s     = <!--id text size-->
| id-p     = <!--id cell padding space-->
| id-lh    = <!--id line height-->
| id-op    = <!--id other parameter (CSS)-->
| id-w     = <!--id box width-->
| id-h     = <!--id box height-->
| info-class = <!-- Adds an HTML class attribute to the "info" HTML table-row, to allow for styling, emission of microformats, etc. -->
| info     = <!--info text-->
| info-c   = <!--info background color-->
| info-fc  = <!--info font color-->
| info-s   = <!--info text size-->
| info-p   = <!--info padding (distance between cell contents & cell border)-->
| info-lh  = <!--info line height (or distance in between text lines)-->
| info-op  = <!--info other (CSS) parameter(s)-->
| nocat    = {{{nocat|}}}<!--when 'true', doesn't categorize the user-->
| usercategory  = <!--user category (optional)-->
| usercategory2 = <!--user category (optional)-->
| usercategory3 = <!--user category (optional)-->
  • Text size is assumed to be in points
  • All parameters are optional


Code Result
id info
| id = foo
| id-s = 20
| id-c = #ffffee
| info = ''foo bar''
| info-c = #ffeeff
| info-s = 12
| border-c = #aaffaa
| border-s = 2
foo foo bar
Below example shows the default appearance of a userbox, which is (much) higher than the 45px. Compare the height of the one below with the above userbox.
| id = foo logo
| id-c = #ffffee
| info = ''We are trying to see 
default distance in between text 
lines, and, see the distance in 
between cell content and its border 
and also see total height.''
| info-c = #ffeeff
| border-c = #aaffaa
| border-s = 2
foo logo We are trying to see default distance in between text lines, and, see the distance in between cell content and its border and also see total height.
Below example shows how we can change that userbox and further specify parameters to bring down the overall height of the userbox to the recommended height of 45px, even with four text lines. Cell padding parameter "info-p" can also be set at "1pt 1pt 1pt 2pt", or "1pt 2pt" for better appearance, when there are 4 text lines.
| id = foo logo
| id-s = 14
| id-c = #ffffee
| id-lh = 1.1em
| info = ''We have specified values 
to lessen the distance in between 
text lines & padding space in between 
cell content and its border.''
| info-c = #ffeeff
| info-s = 8
| info-p = 1pt
| info-lh = 1.05em
| border-c = #aaffaa
| border-s = 1
foo logo We have specified values to lessen the distance in between text lines & padding space in between cell content and its border.
Below example is for advanced users, showing how we can specify other CSS properties, for example, "font-family", to change the font or "text-align" to change the alignment from the default parameters. At below, on the right side are two userboxes: top one is displayed without the "font-family" or "text-align" parameters; and the bottom userbox is displayed by using the below codes, with the help of the "info-op" field.
| id = foo logo
| id-s = 14
| id-c = #ffe
| id-lh = 1.1em
| info = foo bar
| info-c = #fef
| info-s = 14
| info-op = font-family:'Courier New'; text-align:center;
| border-c = #afa
| border-s = 2
foo logo foo bar

foo logo foo bar


This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the userbox as a whole.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the info component.

This template supports the addition of microformat information. This is done by adding "class" attributes to various data cells, indicating what kind of information is contained within. To flag a userbox as containing hCard information about a person, for example, add the following parameter:

|bodyclass = vcard


|info-class = vcard

then (for example):

|title = …the books of <span class="fn">[[Iain Banks]]</span>

...and so forth.

Examples include:

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Microformats for more information on adding microformat information to Wikipedia.

იხილეთ ასევე

გარე ბმულები

az:Şablon:Userbox ba:Ҡалып:Userbox be-x-old:Шаблён:Userbox da:Skabelon:Brugerboks de:Vorlage:Userbox dsb:Pśedłoga:Userbox en:Template:Userbox eu:Txantiloi:Taulatxo oinarria fi:Malline:Käyttäjälaatikko fr:Modèle:BUtilisateur hr:Predložak:Suradnički okvir hsb:Předłoha:Userbox it:Template:Userbox ja:Template:Userbox ko:틀:Userbox mk:Шаблон:Корисничка кутија mn:Загвар:Userbox na:Template:Userbox pt:Predefinição:Userbox ru:Шаблон:Userbox sc:Template:Userbox sk:Šablóna:Userbox sl:Predloga:Uporabniško polje sv:Mall:Användarbox uz:Andoza:Userbox

მოძიებულია „https://wiki.ge/w/index.php?title=თარგი:Userbox&oldid=10275“-დან